Mackerel Safranski, Communal Confession, 2021. 2 channel video, color, sound. 10 min 37 sec. Supported by the 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale. Courtesy of the artist
This artwork is an animation created using over 300 watercolor and pencil drawings. One video channel depicts a woman crossing a river and is based on the experiences of female North Korean defectors depicted in our stereotype influenced by popular media. Another video channel contains fragmentary images that divulge the personal memories of North Korean defectors from the time of their respective defections, including subjects such as weather, landscape, food, people and nature. Among these images, an empty frame is also included at the request of the interviewee, who selected some of the artist's drawings that she did not want to show and flipped them over. The process of rejecting externally defined notions and choosing and creating an image that represents oneself is similar to that of defecting from North Korea. The artist proposes a common confession by juxtaposing the social gazes and perceptions regarding contemporary women and the act of defection, breaking away from conventional ideas and rejecting images by others in the process of determining one’s own fate.
Mackerel Safranski (b. 1984, Seoul)
Narratives related to body image within the spectacle of contemporary images are central in the practice of Mackerel Safranski, who consistently investigates methodologies of revealing invisible parts. In particular, the artist explores the type of body image that appears while dismantling narratives derived from social structures, in addition to considering the possibility of a “situation” where the body restructures another life. Recently, the artist has expanded their inquiry to include the physical properties of intuitive memory as rendered in media such as paintings, drawings and moving images.
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