One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021

11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale on TBS


Network will also have a presence in Korean homes through a special hour-long program on public broadcaster TBS, featuring a selection of works from the Biennale exhibition.

The program airs on 18 September at 11pm, and a rerun on 25 September at 4pm.

Works include:
Bani Abidi, Anthems (2000)
Eisa Jocson, Superwoman: Empire of Care (2021)
DIS, A Good Crisis (2018)
Pilvi Takala, If Your Heart Wants It (remix) (2020)
Amature Amplifier, Kim Chuja Is Forever (2006)
Paul Pfeiffer, Incarnator (2018-21)

In partnership with TBS