One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021



With texts by pop music critic Mimyo, film critic Wesley Morris, philosopher Paul B. Preciado, and geologist Yi-fu Tuan, the catalogue of One Escape at a Time, the 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale, provides a diverse array of perspectives on escapism and popular media. The publication also offers in-depth entries of all fourty-one participants with artwork illustrations, as well as documentations from the exhibition and programs.

Editors: Jiwon Lee, Jungmin Lee, Andrew Maerkle
Contributors: Kelly Connolly, Jiwon Lee, Yung Ma, Mimyo, Wesley Morris, Claudia Pestana, Paul B. Preciado, Yi-Fu Tuan
Publisher: Seoul Museum of Art
380 pages / 210 × 280 mm
32,000 KRW
ISBN 979-11-88619-78-8

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Biennale Guide

The Biennale Guide is a booklet introducing the exhibition and programs of One Escape at a Time. The Guide includes work descriptions of all fifty works in the exhibition, as well as the full list of progams comprising Echoes.

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