One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021

Jinhwon Hong

Jinhwon Hong uses photography and web programming as strategic tools to generate matrices of images, footage, and data, bringing attention to overlooked yet consequential sociopolitical events in Korea and beyond. Hong began to garner broader recognition after receiving the 11th Photo Criticism Award in 2009 while still employed as a photojournalist. He held a solo exhibition at Art Space Pool, Seoul, in 2018, and has participated in group exhibitions at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul (2019), and Arko Art Center, Seoul (2019). International exhibitions include the 1st Jeju Biennale (2017) and the 6th Daegu Photo Biennale (2016). Hong is also a curator, organizing photographic exhibitions that address notions of social solidarity. He was one of the organizers of THE SCRAP (2016–19), an experimental platform for photography exhibitions and sales, and co-director of the Seoul-based independent art space, space nowhere (2014–16).

The victor won't stop #02 - The aerial protest of the worker laid off from Samsung, 2019, pigment print, 120 x 90 cm. Courtesy of the artist.

Good Afternoon, Good Evening, Good Night – Channel 1, 2019, video clips of the Syrian civil war, manifesto by the Free Syrian Army, YouTube streaming platform, dimensions variable. Installation view at SeMA Bunker. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Jinhwon Hong.

Exhibition view of Random Forest, Art Space Pool, 2018. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Hong Cheolki.