One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021

Fantasy Park


Fantasy Park, documents two actions by Jon McCurley taking place in Algonquin Provincial Park, located 300 km from Toronto, on the unceded, unsurrendered Territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation. In "Tree Marker", McCurley plays a forester who simply marks trees for preservation. In "Private Landowner", the artist attempts to drive in a limo across all the land J.R. Booth, the largest individual private landowner in Canada in the mid 1800s, owned or had logging rights to.

Special thanks to Dusty Norsworthy, Cotey Pope, and the 11th Seoul Mediacity Biennale
Produced with the support of the Toronto Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts

Edited video of the online performance from 22 October, 2021.