One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021

Henrike Naumann

Henrike Naumann produces installations of varying scales that incorporate used furniture and other interior decor alongside sculpture, painting, and video to spatially and visually evoke the language of set design. Drawing on her experience growing up in the now defunct German Democratic Republic, the legacy of the German reunification, and the resurfacing of fascism in popular discourse, Naumann juxtaposes the recent past with our immediate present to investigate the ties between personal and macro trends in the current sociopolitical climate. In doing so, she turns her aesthetic environments into apparatuses for interrogating how extreme ideologies and power structures permeate our everyday spaces. Naumann earned a degree in Set Design at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf in 2012 after studying Stage and Costume Design at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts. She has held solo exhibitions at Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig (2019); Belvedere 21, Vienna (2019); and Galerie im Turm, Berlin (2018). International exhibitions include the 9th Busan Biennale and the 1st Riga Biennial, both in 2018. She is a recipient of the Leipziger Volkszeitung Art Prize (2019).

Ruinenwert, 2019, mixed media installation, dimensions variable. Installation view at Haus der Kunst München. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Ulrich Gebert.

14 Words, 2018, mixed media installation, dimensions variable. Installation view at MMK Frankfurt. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Axel Schneider.

Anschluss ’90, 2018, mixed media installation, dimensions variable. Installation view at Steirischer Herbst. Courtesy of the artist. Photo: Clara Wildberger.