One Escape at a Time 하루하루 탈출한다
8 Sept—21 Nov 2021

Richard Bell

A member of the Kamilaroi, Kooma, Jiman, and Gurang Gurang communities, Richard Bell is an artist and activist who works across video, installation, painting, and text. His multifaceted and often humorous practice poses imaginative and provocative yet critical challenges to the complex legacy of European colonialism, which extends from issues of racism, social justice, and Aboriginal land rights to Eurocentrism in art history and cultural practices of othering. Bell has held solo exhibitions or events at Australian institutions including Artspace, Sydney (2013); Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (2014); the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane (2015); and Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne (2018). International exhibitions include the 4th Asian Art Biennial, Taichung (2013); Performa 15, New York (2015); the 16th Jakarta Biennale (2015); and the 20th Biennale of Sydney (2016). He was selected for the Creative Australia Fellowship in 2013 and was awarded the Rockhampton Art Gallery Gold Award in 2018.

Embassy, 2013–, installation, dimensions variable. Installation view at 20th Biennale of Sydney, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, 2016. Courtesy of the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane.

Scratch an Aussie, 2008, HD video, color, sound, 10 min. Courtesy of the artist and Milani Gallery, Brisbane.