찬나 호르비츠Channa Horwitz

찬나 호르비츠는 50여 년간의 미술 활동을 통해 시각적으로 복잡하면서 체계적인 작품의 창작을 구성하는 논리성으로 주목을 받았습니다. 가장 최근에는 리옹 현대미술관(2019)과 밴쿠버 현대미술갤러리(2018)에서 개인전을 개최했으며, 뉴욕 현대미술관에서 열린 《Thinking Machines: Art and Design in the Computer Age, 1959-1989》(2018)을 포함한 여러 단체전에서 소개된 바 있습니다. 2016년에는 뉴욕 현대미술관의 소장품 전시 《Inbox》 시리즈로 작품이 소개되었습니다. 그 외에도 런던 레이븐 로(2016), 베를린 KW현대미술관(2015), 브란덴부르크주 포츠담의 BKV 미술관(2009) 등에서 열린 개인전을 비롯해 세계 유수의 미술 기관에서 열린 단체전에서 소개된 바 있습니다.
Over her five-decade career, Channa Horwitz was recognized for the logically derived compositions created in visually complex, systematic works. Most recently Horwitz was exhibited in solo exhibitions at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León (2019), and the Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver (2018). Her work was included in Thinking Machines: Art and Design in the Computer Age, 1959-1989, at The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2018), and in 2016, The Museum of Modern Art, New York organized a solo presentation of acquired works, as part of the museum’s ongoing series titled “Inbox”. Prior to this, Horwitz’s work was the subject of solo exhibitions at Raven Row, London, UK (2016); Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary art, Berlin, Germany (2015); Brandenburgischer Kunstverein, Potsdam, Germany (2009); among others. Her work has been included in group exhibitions at major institutions.